Announcement Detail




Closing date for applications: Thursday, May 1, 2025.

Italian Culture, the journal of record for the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS), seeks new Editors for a four-year term, 2025-2029, renewable by mutual agreement between the Editor(s) and the AAIS Executive Committee. The first journal for which a new editorial team will be responsible will be Fall 2026. The Editor(s) will work closely with the AAIS Executive Committee and publishers Taylor & Francis. Closing date for applications: Thursday May 1, 2025.

Italian Culture is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, original research and book reviews in all areas of Italian Studies in both English and Italian. The journal currently publishes two issues per year in a natively digital format. The AAIS is interested in receiving applications from a General Editor/Editorial Team with vision to bring innovative ideas to the journal with respect to special issues; develop new sections corresponding to the digital environment; to explore other significant and new editorial formats covering interdisciplinary approaches to all periods of Italian Studies.

Proposals should be submitted no later than May 1, 2025. Finalists will be invited to a Zoom conversation with the Executive Council no earlier than May 10, 2025 with the objective of identifying the new editors by June 1, 2025. Any questions should be submitted via this contact form page, selecting the “Editors Job Search” subject line. Once you click on the APPLY button below, you will be directed to a page with this announcement and the application form at the end of the page. Make sure to scroll down.