~~ Guidelines apply to online and in-person sessions. There will be no pre-recorded presentations ~~

Timeline for Accepting Proposals:

December 15, 2021: Call for submissions and roundtables due. Completed panels and roundtables may also be sent at this time. 
All calls for panels and roundtables due to conference committee for approval: conference.aais@gmail.com. Once approved, calls will be posted to the AAIS website and will be included in the weekly newsletter, which will link to AAIS forums. Complete pre-formed panels and roundtables may also be submitted at any time until the final deadline indicated below.

January 31, 2022: Proposals due to Panel and Roundtable Organizers with title, brief abstract (150-200 words), and short bio.

February 15, 2022: All completed panels and roundtables due.
All completed sessions and roundtables due, including any completed sessions that have not already been submitted.

March 15, 2022: All participants must be current AAIS members.

Please use the following for each proposed panel or roundtable:


100-word maximum description of panel or roundtable (descriptions over 100 words will be returned for editing)

Organizer, Affiliation, Email address

Please specify if you are you proposing your panel or roundtable as a virtual or in-person session, or a two-part session to occur in both formats


Include the following information for each completed panel or roundtable:


Organizer: Name, Affiliation, email address

Chair (if different from Organizer): Name, Affiliation

Name, Affiliation, Title of presentation in quotation marks for each session participant

Name, Affiliation for each roundtable participant

Please specify if you are you proposing your panel or roundtable as a virtual or in-person session, or a two-part session to occur in both formats

ALL proposals should be sent to conference.aais@gmail.com


In order to organize a panel or roundtable, you must be a member in good standing of the AAIS. Non-members may not organize sessions.

Panels and roundtables with fewer than three speakers or participants will not be accepted.

In proposing panels and roundtables, please include no more than two individuals from any single institution.

All participants in a panel or roundtable must be AAIS members by March 15, 2022. Sessions including non-members will not be included in the program.

Requests for Caucus meetings must be received by the Conference Organizers by the established deadline. Please consult the conference website.

Graduate students at the PhD level (not only ABD) are invited to participate. Different from previous editions of the conference, no supporting letter from the dissertation director will be required.

NB: A delegate may read no more than one paper, chair a panel, and participate in one roundtable.
