~~ This page is meant to help you with all things related to technology before and during the event ~~

AAIS conference APP:

Please note: these instructions refer to a mobile App and a web App. What is the difference?

A mobile App is the App you download onto your phone. A web App is the website that contains the same details as the mobile App.
They both require a log in. They are specular.

As announced, the 2022 conference content will be shared via a mobile and a web App called Whova. You find information on how to download and access the App here. Please note: you have to download the Whova App on your phone first, create an account, and then you can access both, the mobile App and the web App. If you prefer to use the web App and browse info in your browser from your computer instead of using a phone, you still have to create an account through your phone.  After you have successfully created an account, you will be able to login into the web App (from a browser on your preferred device) and can avoid to return to the mobile App.

Go to the Whova page on this website and download the App. Don't miss out on all things conference-related.

AAIS Website

During the conference, the AAIS website pages that relate to the conference schedule for both the virtual and the in-person conference will not be publicly visible. In order to access these pages on the AAIS website you have to be a member in good standing and have completed the registration.

Renew your membership or join the association, and complete the registration to get full access.

Please mind: the conference App and the AAIS website are two different and separate platforms. Unless you use the same email and password for both platforms, in order to access one or the other, you have to login with the respective account details.

We recommend that you download the Whova App in order to comfortably and easily access ALL conference information and details through one login and one set up.

Technical specs for panels/roundtables:


Virtual meetings were held using on Zoom. If you don't have access to Zoom, please create an account.
A link to registration for the panel you are attending, organizing, chairing, or during which you will be presenting, is available via the conference schedule page (membership login required) and on the conference mobile and web App. See details below.

You have to register for each panel you plan to attend regardless of whether you are an organizer, a chair, a panelist or an attendee.
You will receive a confirmation of your registration and a unique link to participate.

Once you have registered, it is easy to add the event to your own calendar OR manage the event(s) you would like to attend directly in the conference App and create your own schedule.

To register via Zoom in the App
Open the App
Go to Agenda (menu bar at the bottom of your phone screen)
Click the event/panel/roundtable
Click "See more" under "Overview"
Follow link to registration

To create your Agenda in the App
Open the App
Go to Agenda (stay on the tab "Full Agenda" to see all the events)
Select event/panel/roundtable
Click "Add to My Agenda" (it saves within the App)
Select tab "My Agenda" to see your events


Zoom registration is necessary in order to join a panel or a roundtable regardless if you are an organizer, a panelist, a chair, or an attendee.

The day of the panel or roundtable, a member of the conference technical team will be available to meet with chairs and panelists on Zoom 10 minutes prior to the start of the panel or roundtable to go over technical procedure and tips (hosting, co-hosting, etc...) To join a panel or roundtable, follow the link you received upon Zoom registration (see section above.)

Panelists will be able to share their screen and a member of the conference technical team will help to check that the screen sharing option works properly for chairs and for the panelists.

The member of the conference technical team will leave the meeting as soon as everyone is set to go, but will remain available in case technical assistance is needed.

Ask/Receive assistance

Please write us an email at conference.aais [at] gmail.com if you need assistance during the live panel or roundtable. We will respond promptly.

Additional info

Meetings are set by default on "mute" and "no video" for all participants. Please make sure to turn on your video and to unmute to intervene.

A member of the conference technical team will ensure this procedure is followed.

Chair will decide how or when to allow the audience to intervene. By default, everyone can ask questions via chat, raise their hands via the "raise hand" button or unmute themselves to intervene directly. Chair will inform the audience which of these options is preferred or whether to use them all.

The allocated time for the Zoom panel is 75 minutes. Please be mindful of time. 


These instructions refer ONLY to the in-person portion of your proposed panel(s) or roundtable(s).

If you are chairing a hybrid panel in Bologna, you are responsible to create and manage a virtual meeting for your virtual attendees, co-organizers, panelists. We recommend that you have an extra laptop in Bologna for the virtual portion of your meeting. The setting up is entirely up to the chair(s) and the organizer(s) of the meeting.

Our conference web App is a great way to let participants know the details on how to register and to attend virtually the in-person portion of your hybrid event.

These are two ways to directly add information about your panel in our conference App:
Option 1
- Go to My Session and Audience
- Go to Comments
- Post a message

Option 2
- Go to Community
- Go to Notes from panel and roundtable organizers
- Post a message
Remember to clearly state which panel or roundtable you are referring to and what time/date it takes place.


Each room in each of the conference locations is equipped with the following technology:
- PC (not macOS)
- Projector
- Screen
- Wi-fi (details will be given at in-person check-in)

All these devices will be ON when you access the conference room in which your panel or roundtable takes place.

Chairs are responsible for collecting all the presentations (Power Point or whichever format) prior to the in-person panel or roundtable. Each meeting has a 15 min window in between meetings to set up (please be mindful of time). Please make sure every speaker sends to the chair their presentation (if any) before you meet on the day of the panel/roundtable.

In order for the chair to be able to access these presentations from the room computer, we highly recommend to use a share file storing system such as Google drive or similar, so that the chair can comfortably access the files at the beginning of the panel or roundtable, and display them on the room screen.

USB pen or portable devices to transfer files are accepted but not recommended, in particular if they are set on a mac computer.
Room computers are PCs.

Technical assistance will be available at conference locations.

Questions? Please email conference.aais@gmail.com