~ Apply to join the pilot program for AAIS 2022! As announced, we seek five “inviatə specialə” who can “cover” the conference as “reporters” and who take the pulse of what they hear, notice, and perceive of the conference proceedings.

~ This is one way, and a start, for us to chronicle and archive our meetings.

~ “Special correspondents” write-up their impressions, drawing a portrait of either (or both) conference formats; reports will be published in the online AAIS Newsletter and in the conference APP and participants receive complimentary registration at AAIS 2023.

~ Total limit: five ambassadors, optimally from varied ranks and institution types.

~ To apply: Please send to enerenberg [at] wesleyan [dot] edu and mjseger [at] wm [dot] edu by Friday, April 22 the following:

            - A brief cover letter expressing interest, why you think you would make a good choice of “special correspondent”, all contact information, and a statement of commitment to, if selected, executing the tasks as described.

            - A brief biographical blurb.

~~ Selection will continue until the positions are filled with preference to applicants applying by April 22 ~~