Graduate Student Travel Award

Please note this award is only for graduate students. Active membership required to apply and receive the award (2025).

Read the instructions below. If you have questions, please contact AAIS.


Name: *
Last Name: *
Upload a 250-word abstract of the proposed paper (PDF only): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 5.0 MB)
Include a brief biographical blurb: *
Upload your CV (PDF only).: *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 5.0 MB)
Upload a brief letter of support from the primary dissertation advisor or another appropriate faculty member (PDF only): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 5.0 MB)
Explain how this award will help you traveling to AAIS Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Include a brief summary of your budget and projected expenses: *
Upload letter or email of acceptance to the AAIS Annual Conference in Philadelphia from the panel's organizer(s) (PDF only): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 5.0 MB)
Comments or anything else we should know? (Please use this space for award- related communications exclusively. Do not enter here requests regarding the conference or the conference schedule. For those, either contact your panel's organizer(s) or contact AAIS via the form you find under About Us. Thank you):