~  PDF of the program available here ~



8:45 am – 9:15 am | Day starts with breakfast


Room 4 P1 - Mediterraneo e mercanti
Room 6&7 (double room) P2 - Women Between Art and Science in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Italy
Room 11 P3 - Lettere, diari, fanmail. Materiali effimeri per la storia culturale del cinema italiano
Room 14 P4 - Queer Transnational in Cinema and Literature: Travelling as discovery, joy and pain
Room 18 R1 - Roundtable: Media-Based DEIB Strategies in the Italian Language
Room 4 P5 - Italian Interlocutors in Trans-imperial Spaces: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives
Room 6&7 R2 - Roundtable: Italy is Made: Constructing Diasporic Italian Places
Room 11 P6 - Inside and Against Hegemonies
Room 14 P7 - The World Upside Down: Theory and Imagination 1
Room 15 P8 - Psichedelia Italiana
Room 16 P9 - Trees in Italian Literature 1
Room 18 P10 - Teaching Women: Authorship, Mentorship, and Pedagogical Practices in Italian Studies


Room 4 P11 - (Canonic?) Adoptions and Adaptations 1
Room 6&7 P12 - Women and Activism in Italy
Room 11 P13 - Performance and the Political: Gender and Performance from the 1970s to Contemporary Italy 1
Room 14 P14 - The World Upside Down: Theory and Imagination 2
Room 15 P15 - Voices, Music and Folklore: Calvino and Other Experiences
Room 16 P16 - Trees in Italian Literature 2
Room 18 P17 - “The Remembering and the Reckoning”: Colonizer/Colonized Crossings in Decolonising Italian Diaspora
Room 4 P18 - (Canonic?) Adoptions and Adaptations 2
Room 6&7 P19 - Roundtable: Breaking Barriers: Women Pathbreakers 1
Room 11 P20 - Performance and the Political: Gender and Performance from the 1970s to Contemporary Italy 2
Room 14 P21 - The World Upside Down: Theory and Imagination 3
Room 15 P22 - Diaspora and Apocalypse
Room 16 P23 - Trees in Italian Literature 3
Room 18 R3 - Roundtable: Teaching Italian Language and Culture in an AI World


6:30 pm I Brindisi in the Garden and Opening Remarks

7:15 pm | Room 18 | Screening: The Black Italian Renaissance


8:15 am – 8:45 am | Day starts with Breakfast and the President's welcome to grad students, ERCs, independent scholars 


Room 4 P24 - (Dis)ability in Medieval Italian Culture 1: Crip Methodologies
Room 5 P25 - Figuring Race in Postwar Italian America
Room 6&7 P26 - I luoghi della poesia 1
Room 11 P27 - Atlante del giallo: storia dei media e cultura popolare in Italia (1954-2020)
Room 14 P28 - Ecologie femministe e multispecie nella letteratura dell’Antropocene
Room 15 P29 - Translating Identities in Italian Culture
Room 16 P30 - Breaking Barriers: Women Pathbreakers 2
Room 18 P31 - Leggere non basta: La letteratura Italiana in classe 1
Room 4 P32 - (Dis)ability in Medieval Italian Culture 2: Bodies in Sin
Room 5 P33 - The Italian Diaspora in Britain: literary texts and images, 1800s to today
Room 6&7 P34 - Italy’s Climate Change Narratives 1
Room 18 R4 - Roundtable: Violence, Power, and Religion in Marco Bellocchio’s Rapito (Kidnapped, 2023)
Room 11 P35 - Donne afrodiscendenti nella letteratura, nel cinema, in TV e nei social media italiani: Un approccio transnazionale e intersezionale
Room 14 P36 - The Politics of Publishing: Foreign Culture and Translation in Twentieth-Century Italy
Room 15 P37 - Follie muliebri 1
Room 16 P38 - Leggere non basta: La letteratura Italiana in classe 2
Room 4 P39 - (Dis)ability in Medieval Italian Culture 3: Sensory Impairment
Room 5 P40 - Rispecchiarsi tra Italia e America Latina: circolazione, mediazione e traduzione 1
Room 6&7 P41 - Italy’s Climate Change Narratives 2
Room 18 P42 - Cinema, Campania e giustizia sociale
Room 11 P43 - A Girls'-Eye View: Italian Girlhood and Contemporary Media
Room 14 P44 - Labour Practices in the Italian Film and Television Industries
Room 15 P45 - Follie muliebri 2
Room 16 P46 - Mamma RAI: New Perspectives on the Golden Age of Italian Public Television



Room 4 P47 - Missing Manuscripts: How to “Read” What’s No Longer There
Room 5 P48 - Rispecchiarsi tra Italia e America Latina: circolazione, mediazione e traduzione 2
Room 6&7 P49 - Italy’s Climate Change Narratives 3
Room 18 R5 - Roundtable: Crime Italian Style
Room 11 R6 - Roundtable: Italian Girl Culture
Room 14 P50 - Postwar modes of production of Italian Cinema (1949-76)
Room 15 P51 - Follie muliebri 3
Room 16 P52 - Diasporic Kitchens
Keynote theme: “Diasporic Italies, Diasporic Italians”

Keynote co-presenters in dialogue with this theme and each other: author Claudia Durastanti (Un giorno verrò a lanciare sassi alla tua finestra, A Chloe, per le ragioni sbagliate, Cleopatra va in prigione, La straniera) and Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, author of Madre piccola, Il comandante del fiume, and Le stazioni della luna.
Location: Teatro Tasso in Piazza Sant'Antonino (Sorrento)


Day ends with an Aperitivo following the Keynote.


8:15 am – 8:45 am | Day starts with breakfast 


Room 4 R7 - Roundtable: Love across the Centuries 1
Room 5 P53 - La "golden age" dell'animazione italiana 1
Room 6&7 P54 - Esiste un gusto partenopeo? La letteratura napoletana, gli scrittori, i poeti che hanno detto e contraddetto Napoli
Room 11 P55 - I luoghi della poesia 2
Room 14 P56 - L’eredità del Tasso nella letteratura, nella musica e nelle arti figurative
Room 15 P57 - Italy’s “Subversive Seventies” and the Archive 1
Room 18 R8 - Roundtable: Violence Against Women: Raising Awareness through Journalism, Protest, and Art
Room 16 P58 - Literary Anthropologies: Cross-Cultural Imaginaries in Contemporary Italy
Room 4 R9 - Roundtable: Love across the Centuries 2
Room 5 P59 - La "golden age" dell'animazione italiana 2
Room 6&7 P60 - Imagining Naples in Italian Literature and Culture Across Centuries 1
Room 11 P61 - A Hundred Years of Goliarda Sapienza: New Critical Approaches 1
Room 14 P62 - I luoghi del Tasso
Room 15 P63 - Italy’s “Subversive Seventies” and the Archive 2
Room 16 P64 - The Allied Occupation of Italy
Room 18 R10 - Roundtable: Transition @ 60: The Black in the Mediterranean Blue
Room 13 P65 - The Watery Mediterranean
Room 18 | ECCS - Executive Council Conference Series
Authors Meet Critics: Critical Conversations in Transnational Italian Studies
Co-organizers and moderators: Serena Bassi (Yale University), Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook University), Giulia Riccò (University of Michigan)

Second part of the AAIS Giornata di Studio that took place online on 3/29/2024 "Critical Conversations in Transnational Italian Studies."

This roundtable will run as follows: six speakers will give five minute flash talks responding to the special issue’s critical intervention and simultaneously outlining their own vision for a more transnational, more inclusive, and more diverse Italian Studies. After the short position papers, we will open the floor hoping to instigate a debate on the kind of critical changes we need to reimagine Italian Studies in North American higher education and beyond. Free access to "Critical Issues in Transnational Italian Studies" here: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/foia/57/2

John Gennari (Univerity of Vermont), Kombola Ramadhani Mussa (Cardiff University), Gaoheng Zhang (University of British Columbia), Caterina Romeo (Università La Sapienza), Neelam Srivastava (Newcastle University), Rob Rushing (UCLA)


Room 4 P66 - Periodici degli esuli / Esuli nei periodici durante il Risorgimento
Room 5 P67 - Transnational Italian Comics Studies
Room 10 P68 - Imagining Naples in Italian Literature and Culture Across Centuries 2
Room 11 P69 - A Hundred Years of Goliarda Sapienza: New Critical Approaches 2
Room 6&7 R11 - Roundtable: Pedagogies of the Italian Chivalric Romance Epic
Room 14 P70 - Italy’s “Subversive Seventies” and the Archive 3
Room 15 R12 - Roundtable: Why Teach Fascism's Cultural Heritage and the Italian Resistance Today 1
Room 16 P71 - Divagrafie – le scritture delle attrici italiane
Room 18 | Writer's Assembly 1 and 2
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Gabriella Ghermandi, Gabriella Kuruvilla, Espérance Hakuzwimana, Djarah Kan, and Shirin Ramzanali Fazel.


Respondent: Angelica Pesarini, University of Toronto


Moderator: Emily Antenucci, Vassar College

Room 4 P72 - Correspondances and Education between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Room 6&7 R13 - Roundtable: The Ball Into the Net and Over the Net: Soccer and Tennis in the Italian Film and Television Narrative
Room 5 P73 - Leaving the City Behind: Naples in the Works of Modern Authors
Room 11 P74 - In ricordo di Fausta Cialente (1898-1994)
Room 14 R14 - Roundtable: Rethinking “Le Origini”: Poetry Across Borders in Medieval Sicily
Room 16 P75 - Italy’s “Subversive Seventies” and the Archive 4
Room 15 R15 - Roundtable: Roundtable: Why Teach Fascism's Cultural Heritage and the Italian Resistance Today 2

 Day ends with the Gala Dinner at 7:30 pm


8:15 am – 8:45 am | Day starts with breakfast


Room 4 P76 - Queer Southern Crossings 1
Room 5 P77 - Viaggio, paesaggio, romanzo 1
Room 6&7 P78 - Elemental Politics: Poetics of Skies and Seas 1
Room 18 R16 - Roundtable: Global and Transnational Issues Impacting Italy
Room 14 P79 - Early Modern Experiences
Room 15 P80 - I Luoghi della Poesia 3
Room 16 P81 - Cultivating Sacred Vision: Body-Mind Practices and Devotional Art in Early Renaissance Italy
Room 10 P82 - Baroque "Hauntologies"
Room 13 R17 - Roundtable: Mediterraneans
Room 4 P83 - Queer Southern Crossings 2
Room 5 P84 - Viaggio, paesaggio, romanzo 2
Room 11 P85 - Elemental Politics: Poetics of Skies and Seas 2
Room 18 R18 - Roundtable: Natalia Ginzburg’s Global Legacies
Room 14 P86 - Theatre and Rhetoric in Early Modern Italy
Room 15 P87 - Dis-Placements and Re-Constructions
Room 16 P88 - Between Postmodern and Post-Human: Bodily Visions and Visionary Bodies




Conference rooms are equipped with a laptop and a smartboard. It is highly recommend to upload your presentation on Google Drive or other digital platforms prior to your panel or roundtable in order to be able to open it before the beginning of the session directly from the room computer. 


General Business Meeting (online):
Tuesday, June 18, 18:00 (CET), 12:00 PM (Eastern), 11:00 am (Central), 9:00am (West Coast)

See the Proposed By Laws Revisions to be discussed and voted at the meeting.

Meeting Agenda available here

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