Welcome to the 2025 Elections for new members of the AAIS Executive Council.
Through this election, the AAIS members will elect the following roles:
- President
- Vice President
- Executive Secretary
- Treasurer
WHEN - March 17, 2025 - May 3, 2025
The 2025 elections cycle will begin on March 17, 2025 and will end on May 3, 2025 and it will take place ONLINE through these pages.
Official results will be published on the AAIS website. An active membership is required to cast your vote. To join the Association, go to this page. To renew your membership, please login into the Member Center, click on "My Dues Renewal" and follow the instructions on the screen.
Additional information on the elections can be found in the Association By Laws, Article V - Election of Officers.
Information on Candidates will be available starting February 2025. Elections will run from March 17, 2025 through May 3, 2025 online only.
When Elections open on March 17, 2025, a ballot will be available on this website and you will be able to cast your vote by following these steps:
1) Login into the Member Center;
2) Click on the Elections button on the home page of the Member Center;
3) You will be taken to the Elections pages where you can click on the Ballot tab or you can navigate other elections related content (such as candidate profiles, etc...);
4) On the Ballot, select the candidate(s) you wish to vote for;
5) Click on PREVIEW MODE (you can see a recap of your selection before confirming);
6) Tick the box next to the message "By checking this box, I confirm that this is my official vote for this election;"
7) Click on CAST THE VOTE (red button).
You will receive a confirmation email.
See here below a preview of the Election dedicated pages that will be available once the Elections open.